
Hi! My name is Jolene Berger, or as the kiddos call me, Ms. Jo. I have been married for 25 years to my wonderful husband, Rob, and have three amazing children, Elizabeth, Matthew, and Bradley. I am an Arizona native and a Certified ISR Swim Instructor. Helping and caring for people has been a significant part of my life for as long as I can remember. When I was young, I babysat. As years went on, I ran an in-home daycare. And for many years I performed sleep studies for children and adults in order to diagnose and treat sleep apnea (and many other sleep disorders). Taking care of people is what I love to do and that's where ISR comes in. A few years ago, a friend, also an ISR Instructor, presented the opportunity for me to be a part of this incredible organization. After watching a few lessons and seeing the children use their Self Rescue skills, I knew I had to continue with my desire to help others and do whatever I could to ensure "Not One More Child Drowns"!
I am honored to be able to work with your child and help him/her to develop the skills necessary to be safe in and around water.

Contact me today to get your child safe in and around the water!

If you are not close to my location, please visit our national Infant Swimming Resource Instructor Locator to find an instructor near you.

“Not One More Child Drowns”